How the Reader Uses Packages How the Reader Uses Packages In Chapter 4 I discussed briefly how the Lisp reader translates names into symbols, but I glossed over most of the det...
gRPC gRPC gRPC is an RPC framework from Google. It uses protocol buffers as the underlying serialization/IDL format. At the transport layer it uses HTTP/2 for request/response...
PPL tool Prerequisite Step 1: Create a connector for a model Step 2: Register and deploy the model Step 3: Register a flow agent that will run the PPLTool Step 4: Run the agent...
Interface: BarOptions Hierarchy Properties backgroundColor Inherited from Defined in base Defined in borderColor Inherited from Defined in borderRadius Defined in border...
Class Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\Csv Methods Class Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\Csv extends abstract class Phalcon\Translate\Adapter implements Phalcon\Translate\AdapterInterf...
Tools Developer information Tools Introduced 2.13 A tool performs a set of specific tasks. The following table lists all tools that OpenSearch supports. Specify a tool by p...
Introduction Scope and current state Community Introduction FerretDB is an open-source proxy that translates MongoDB wire protocol queries to SQL, with PostgreSQL or SQLite as...
PPL tool Prerequisite Step 1: Create a connector for a model Step 2: Register and deploy the model Step 3: Register a flow agent that will run the PPLTool Step 4: Run the agent...