5.5 INDEX 5.5.1 CREATE INDEX Who Can Create an Index? Unique Indexes Index Direction Computed (Expression) Indexes Limits on Indexes 5...
Organization of the Django Project Principles Mergers Role Prerogatives Membership Releasers Role Prerogatives Membership Technical board Role Prerogatives Membership ...
CRUD Settings captcha Messages Methods Record versioning CRUD The Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) API is an experimental interface on top of SQLFORM. It is now deprecated...
Annotations Attaching metadata to objects Syntax and character set What’s next Annotations You can use Kubernetes annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to...
Deeplearning4j’s NLP Functionality SentenceIterator Tokenizer Vocab Deeplearning4j’s NLP Functionality Although not designed to be comparable to tools such as Stanford CoreN...
11. Wicket models and forms 11.1. What is a model? 11.2. IModel and Lambda 11.2.1. Lambda Goodies 11.3. Models and JavaBeans 11.3.1. PropertyModel 11.3.2. LambdaModel 11.3.3. ...
zookeeper:分布式进程协同 Zookeeper:Distributed Process Coordination中文译本 GitBook阅读地址 GitHub阅读地址 Progress MIT License 来源(书栈小编注) zookeeper:分布式进程协同 Zookeeper:Distributed Process C...
5. FACILITY, MANAGEMENT, AND OPERATIONAL CONTROLS 5.1 Physical controls 5.1.1 Site location and construction 5.1.2 Physical access 5.1.3 Power and air conditioning 5.1.4 Water e...