Reporting 合作伙伴的财务分析 多级提醒 Reporting OpenERP provides many tools for managing customer and supplier accounts. You will see here: financial analysis of partners, to understand...
Finding Lisp Libraries Finding Lisp Libraries While the standard library of functions, data types, and macros that comes with Common Lisp is quite large, it provides only gener...
安装与初始配置 安装与初始配置 在Windows或Linux下安装和熟悉OpenERP这套软件系统只需半个钟,三两下就能搞定。 首先得在服务器(windows或Linux或Macintosh)上面安装好OpenERP软件系统和数据库。 * 您还有其他可达到目标选择,就是安装web server (普通的PC Server 即可),然后就可以使用...
OpenObject Server and Modules Technical Architecture Server/client, XML-RPC Client OpenObject Server and Modules OpenERP is a Client/Server system that works over a IP Ne...
13.10. Real-Time Communications software 13.10. Real-Time Communications software Debian provides a wide range of Real-Time Communications (RTC) client software. The setup of R...