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  • Example

    Example of running and using virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Overview Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies ...
  • How to: Run & use virtual actors

    How to: Run and use virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies Implement IMyActor...
  • How to: Run & use virtual actors

    How to: Run and use virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies Implement IMyActor...
  • How to: Run & use virtual actors

    How to: Run and use virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies Implement IMyActor...
  • Example

    Example of running and using virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Overview Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies ...
  • Example

    Example of running and using virtual actors in the .NET SDK Prerequisites Overview Step 0: Prepare Step 1: Create actor interfaces Create interface project and add dependencies ...
  • 如何使用AWS SDK for .NET操作Minio Server

    如何使用AWS SDK for .NET操作Minio Server 1. 前提条件 2. 安装 3. 示例 5. 了解更多 如何使用AWS SDK for .NET操作Minio Server aws-sdk-dotnet 是.NET Framework的官方AWS开发工具包。在本文中,我们将学习如何使用aws-sdk-dotnet 来操作...
  • 转换 web.config

    转换 web.configTransform web.config 本文内容 生成配置Build configuration 配置文件Profile 环境Environment 自定义Custom 阻止 web.config 转换Prevent web.config transformation 其他资源Additional resources...
  • Visual Studio Tools

    带有 ASP.NET Core 的 Visual Studio 容器工具Visual Studio Container Tools with ASP.NET Core 本文内容 先决条件Prerequisites 安装和设置Installation and setup 向 Docker 容器添加项目Add a project to a Docker ...
  • 依赖项管理

    1269 2019-10-06 《.NET Core 指南》
    使用 .NET Core SDK 1.0 管理依赖项Managing dependencies with .NET Core SDK 1.0 本文内容 新 <PackageReference> 元素The new <PackageReference> element 向项目添加依赖项Adding a dependency to your project...