Overview Tutorial Language reference How do I? Project Overview PRQL project documentation. Tutorial A friendly & accessible guide for learning PRQL. It has a gradual i...
Append PRQL SQL Remove PRQL SQL Intersection PRQL SQL Set operations Append Concatenates two tables together. Equivalent to UNION ALL in SQL. The number of rows is a...
How do I: read files? PRQL SQL PRQL SQL See also How do I: read files? There are a couple of functions mainly designed for DuckDB: PRQL prql target : sql . duckdb f...
From Examples PRQL SQL PRQL SQL From Specifies a data source. from { table_reference } Table names containing schemas or needing to be quoted for other reasons nee...
Name resolution Scopes Resolving Translating to SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Name resolution Because PRQL primarily handles relational data, it has specialized scoping rules fo...
Name resolving Scopes Resolving Translating to SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Name resolving Because PRQL primarily handles relational data, it has specialized scoping rules for ...
F-strings PRQL SQL PRQL SQL PRQL Error Roadmap F-strings F-strings are a readable approach to building new strings from existing strings & variables. PRQL from emplo...
Window Example PRQL SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Windowing by default PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Window functions as first class citizens PRQL SQL Window Applies a pipeline to s...
prql-java Installation Usage prql-java prql-java offers Java bindings to the prql-compiler Rust library. It exposes a Java native method public static native String toSql(S...
prql-java Installation Usage prql-java prql-java offers Java bindings to the prql-compiler Rust library. It exposes a Java native method public static native String toSql(S...