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  • Reading Tables

    Reading Tables FAQ Does deleted records appear in Hudi’s incremental query results? How do I pass hudi configurations to my beeline Hive queries? Does Hudi guarantee consistent r...
  • Batch Writes

    Batch Writes Spark DataSource API Insert Overwrite Table Insert Overwrite Deletes Concurrency Control Java Client Batch Writes Spark DataSource API The hudi-spark module...
  • 管理

    管理 Hudi Pipelines Admin CLI 检查提交 深入到特定的提交 文件系统视图 统计信息 归档的提交 压缩 验证压缩 注意 取消调度压缩 修复压缩 指标 故障排除 缺失记录 重复 Spark故障 管理 Hudi Pipelines 管理员/运维人员可以通过以下方式了解Hudi数据集/管道 通过Ad...
  • Storage

    Storage FAQ Does Hudi support cloud storage/object stores? What is the difference between copy-on-write (COW) vs merge-on-read (MOR) table types? How do I migrate my data to Hudi...
  • 查询数据

    查询 Hudi 数据集 Hive 读优化表 实时表 增量拉取 Spark 读优化表 实时表 增量拉取 Presto Impala(此功能还未正式发布) 读优化表 查询 Hudi 数据集 从概念上讲,Hudi物理存储一次数据到DFS上,同时在其上提供三个逻辑视图,如之前 所述。 数据集同步到Hive Metastore后,它将提供...
  • AWS S3

    S3 Filesystem AWS configs AWS Credentials AWS Libs S3 Filesystem In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into AWS S3. AWS configs There are two c...
  • AWS S3

    S3 Filesystem AWS configs AWS Credentials AWS Libs S3 Filesystem In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into AWS S3. AWS configs There are two c...
  • File Sizing

    File Sizing Auto-sizing during writes File sizing for Copy-On-Write (COW) and Merge-On-Read (MOR) tables More details about file sizing for Merge-On-Read(MOR) tables Configs Au...
  • 云储存

    云储存 与云存储连接 云储存 与云存储连接 无论使用RDD/WriteClient API还是数据源,以下信息都有助于配置对云存储的访问。 AWS S3 S3和Hudi协同工作所需的配置。 Google Cloud Storage GCS和Hudi协同工作所需的配置。 Alibaba Cloud OSS 阿里云和Hudi协同工作所需的配置。...
  • Performance

    Performance Optimized DFS Access Performance Optimizations Write Path Bulk Insert Upserts Indexing Read Path Data Skipping Performance Optimized DFS Access Hudi also pe...