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  • 部署 Django

    部署 Django 部署 Django Django 中简化 Web 开发的快捷函数俯拾皆是,但是如果不能轻松部署网站的话,所有的工具都徒劳无益。Django 从最初就把方便部署当作一个主要目标。 部署你的Django应用程序有很多选择,可以基于你的架构或者特定的业务需要,但是这不在Django可以给出指导建议的范围内。 Django是一个需要W...
  • Contributing to Django

    Contributing to Django Work on the Django framework Join the Django community ❤️ Contributing to Django Django is a community that lives on its volunteers. As it keeps growin...
  • Django settings

    Django settings The basics Designating the settings The django-admin utility On the server (mod_wsgi ) Default settings Seeing which settings you’ve changed Using settings i...
  • Django Exceptions

    Django Exceptions Django Core Exceptions AppRegistryNotReady ObjectDoesNotExist EmptyResultSet FullResultSet FieldDoesNotExist MultipleObjectsReturned SuspiciousOperati...
  • Django internals

    Django internals Django internals Documentation for people hacking on Django itself. This is the place to go if you’d like to help improve Django or learn about how Django is ma...
  • Django 异常

    Django 异常 Django 核心异常 AppRegistryNotReady ObjectDoesNotExist EmptyResultSet FullResultSet FieldDoesNotExist MultipleObjectsReturned SuspiciousOperation PermissionDeni...
  • Django Utils

    Django Utils django.utils.cache django.utils.dateparse django.utils.decorators django.utils.encoding django.utils.feedgenerator SyndicationFeed Enclosure RssFeed Rss...
  • Django FAQ

    Django FAQ Django FAQ FAQ: General Why does this project exist? What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it? Is Django stable? Does Django scale? Who’s behind thi...
  • Testing in Django

    Testing in Django Testing in Django Automated testing is an extremely useful bug-killing tool for the modern web developer. You can use a collection of tests – a test suite – t...
  • Django internals

    Django internals Django internals Documentation for people hacking on Django itself. This is the place to go if you’d like to help improve Django or learn about how Django is ma...