23. Test Driven Development with Wicket 23.1. Utility class WicketTester 23.1.1. Testing links 23.1.2. Testing component status 23.1.3. Testing components in isolation 23.1.4. T...
5. Wicket as page layout manager 5.1. Header, footer, left menu, content, etc… 5.2. Here comes the inheritance! 5.2.1. Markup inheritance 5.2.2. Panel class 5.3. Divide et imp...
27. Wicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental) 27.1. Example Usage 27.2. Create server specific http/2 push support 27. Wicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental) With Wicket 8.0.0-M2 th...
4. Wicket says “Hello world!” 4.1. Wicket distribution and modules 4.2. Configuration of Wicket applications 4.2.1. Wicket application structure 4.2.2. The application class 4....
3. Why should I learn Wicket? 3.1. We all like spaghetti :-) … 3.2. Component oriented frameworks - an overview 3.3. Benefits of component oriented frameworks for web developmen...
24. Test Driven Development with Wicket and Spring 24.1. Configuration of the runtime environment 24.2. Configuration of the JUnit based integration test environment 24.3. Summar...
Appendix A: Working with Maven A.1. Switching Wicket to DEPLOYMENT mode A.2. Creating a Wicket project from scratch and importing it into our favourite IDE A.2.1. From Maven to ou...
1. Introduction 1. Introduction Wicket has been around since 2004 and it has been an Apache project since 2007. During these years it has proved to be a solid and valuable solu...