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  • while

    while Checking the condition at the end of a loop As an expression while A while executes its body as long as its condition is truthy. while some_condition do_this en...
  • while

    while Checking the condition at the end of a loop As an expression while A while executes its body as long as its condition is truthy. while some_condition do_this en...
  • while

    while Checking the condition at the end of a loop while A while executes its body as long as its condition is truthy. while some_condition do_this end The conditi...
  • While

    514 2018-03-11 《Learn Javascript》
    While Loop While Loop While Loops repetitively execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. while ( condition ){ // do it as long as condition is t...
  • while

    while 型控制结构 while 型控制结构 Lua 跟其他常见语言一样,提供了 while 控制结构,语法上也没有什么特别的。但是没有提供 do-while 型的控制结构,但是提供了功能相当的 repeat 。 while 型控制结构语法如下,当表达式值为假(即 false 或 nil)时结束循环。也可以使用 break 语言提前跳出循环。 ...
  • while

    while Labeled while while with Optionals while with Error Unions inline while while A while loop is used to repeatedly execute an expression until some condition is no long...
  • while

    while Labeled while while with Optionals while with Error Unions inline while while A while loop is used to repeatedly execute an expression until some condition is no long...
  • while

    while Labeled while while with Optionals while with Error Unions inline while while A while loop is used to repeatedly execute an expression until some condition is no long...
  • while

    while Labeled while while with Optionals while with Error Unions inline while while A while loop is used to repeatedly execute an expression until some condition is no long...