Cross-domain tracking Cross-domain tracking To enable cross-domain tracking you need to add your links in the linkers array in the configuration object import Vue from 'v...
Exception tracking Enable exception auto tracking Error logs Exception tracking Exception tracking allows you to measure the number and type of crashes or errors that occur i...
Set Set multiple fields before first hit Set Sets a single field and value pair or a group of field/value pairs on a tracker object. this . $ga . set ( fieldName , fieldValu...
Turn off during development Turn off during development Stop sending hit to your domain during development Example: Vue . use ( VueAnalytics , { id : 'UA-XXX-X' , ...
Screen tracking Screen autotracking Screen tracking Screen hits can be sent using the screenview method. By passing a string it will track the page by sending a screenview e...
Console logs Console logs Implements Google Analaytics debug logs in your console. Please remember that it is for debug only. The file size of analytics_debug.js is way larger...
Debug Debug Implements Google Analaytics debug library. Please remember that it is for debug only. The file size of analytics_debug.js is way larger than analytics.js Exampl...