书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.017 秒,为您找到 87 个相关结果.
  • Storybook for React Native

    Storybook for React Native Automatic setup Manual setup Writing stories Addons Browser addons On device addons Compatibility Performance of on device addons Storybook serv...
  • Exporting Storybook as a Static App

    Exporting Storybook as a Static App Deploying to GitHub Pages Exporting Storybook as a Static App Storybook gives a great developer experience with its dev time features, like...
  • Standalone Options

    Standalone Options Mode dev static For “dev” mode: For “static” mode: Standalone Options There is also an API for running Storybook from Node. const storybook = requi...
  • Guides

    Quick Start Guide Slow Start Guide Storybook for HTML Storybook for React Storybook for React Native Storybook for Vue Storybook for Angular Storybook for Mithril Storybo...
  • Preset Gallery

    Preset Gallery Presets maintained by storybook team Typescript SCSS Community presets Preset Gallery Storybook presets are a new feature in Storybook to dramatically simpl...
  • TypeScript Config

    TypeScript Config Setting up TypeScript with awesome-typescript-loader Dependencies you may need Setting up TypeScript to work with Storybook tsconfig.json Setting up TypeScri...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Introduction Storybook is a user interface development environment and playground for UI components.The tool enables developers to create components independently ...
  • 从头开始

    开始吧 设置React Storybook 重用CSS 添加资源 开始吧 Storybook 是在开发模式下 与 您的应用程序一起运行的. 它可以帮助您构建UI组件,并与 应用程序的 业务逻辑和上下文 隔离开来. 本期"学习 Storybook"适用于 React ; Vue和Angular 版本即将推出. 整个页面 -> 拿出各种组...
  • Writing Addons

    Writing Addons Storybook Basics Capabilities Getting Started Add simple metadata using parameters Add a panel register the addon Note: A more complex addon Creating a deco...
  • 总结

    结论 学到更多 谁制作了 LearnStorybook.com? 结论 恭喜! 您在Storybook中创建了第一个UI. 在此过程中,您学习了如何构建,组合,测试和部署UI组件. 如果您一直关注,您的 repo和部署的Storybook 应如下所示: 📕GitHub回购: hichroma / learnstorybook-code 🌎部...