WebRTC HTML5、WebSocket、WebRTC WebSocket WebRTC 在 Godot 中使用 WebRTC 最小连接示例 本地信号示例 使用 WebSocket 进行远程信号传输 Work in progress The content of this page was not yet updated for Go...
WebRTC HTML5,WebSocket,WebRTC WebSocket WebRTC Using WebRTC in Godot Minimal connection example Local signaling example Remote signaling with WebSocket WebRTC HTML5,We...
WebRTC HTML5, WebSocket, WebRTC WebSocket WebRTC Using WebRTC in Godot Minimal connection example Local signaling example Remote signaling with WebSocket WebRTC HTML5,...
WebRTC API Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) MediaStream PeerConnection STUN and TURN DataChannel WebRTC API W3C WebRTC 1.0 API 允许 JavaScript 应用程序利用新型浏览器的实时功能。 在...
13.5 Persistent information exposed by WebRTC 13.5 Persistent information exposed by WebRTC As described above, the list of IP addresses exposed by the WebRTC API can be used ...