3. Installing Firebird 3. Installing Firebird The instructions given below for the installation of Firebird on Windows and Linux should be sufficient for the vast majority of c...
6.1. Interfacing PHP and Firebird 6.1.1. PHP Drivers for Firebird Firebird Client Library The Firebird/InterBase Extension Installing the Fb/IB Extension on Linux Programming Sty...
1. About the Firebird SQL Language Reference: for Firebird 2.5 1. About the Firebird SQL Language Reference: for Firebird 2.5 This Firebird SQL Language Reference is the first ...
6.4. Firebird SQL 6.4. Firebird SQL Every database management system has its own idiosyncrasies in the ways it implements SQL. Firebird adheres to the SQL standard more rigorou...
10. The Firebird Project 10. The Firebird Project The developers, designers and testers who gave you Firebird and several of the drivers are members of the Firebird open source...
5.1.2. Adding Firebird user accounts 5.1.2. Adding Firebird user accounts Firebird allows the creation of many different user accounts. Each of them can own databases and also ...
3.2. Installing the Firebird server 3.2. Installing the Firebird server 3.2.1. Before installation 3.2.2. Installation drives 3.2.3. Installation script or program 3.2.4. S...
3. Developing Firebird Applications in Delphi 3. Developing Firebird Applications in Delphi This chapter will describe the process of developing applications for Firebird datab...
3.4.2. Making sure that the Firebird server is running Server check: Linux and other Unices Server check: Windows, running as service Server check: Windows, running as applicatio...
2.1. Background to Firebird’s SQL Language 2.1.1. SQL Flavours 2.1.2. SQL Dialects 2.1.3. Error Conditions 2.1. Background to Firebird’s SQL Language To begin, a few points ...