书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.025 秒,为您找到 37 个相关结果.
  • Faq

    Frequently Asked Questions and Commonly Encountered Issues Frequently Asked Questions What does Chroma use to index embedding vectors? How to set dimensionality of my collections?...
  • Embedding Functions GPU Support

    Embedding Functions GPU Support Default Embedding Functions (Onnxruntime) Sentence Transformers OpenCLIP Embedding Functions GPU Support By default, Chroma does not require G...
  • Batching

    Batching Creating Batches Batching It is often that you may need to ingest a large number of documents into Chroma. The problem you may face is related to the underlying SQLite...
  • Memory Management

    Memory Management LRU Cache Strategy Manual/Custom Collection Unloading Memory Management This section provided additional info and strategies how to manage memory in Chroma. ...
  • Collections

    Collections Collection Basics Collection Properties Creating a collection Deleting a collection Listing all collections Getting a collection Modifying a collection Counting C...
  • LlamaIndex Embeddings

    LlamaIndex Embeddings Embedding Functions LlamaIndex Embeddings Embedding Functions Chroma and LlamaIndex both offer embedding functions which are wrappers on top of popular e...
  • Langchain Embeddings

    Langchain Embeddings Embedding Functions Chroma Built-in Langchain Adapter Custom Adapter Example Usage Langchain Embeddings Embedding Functions Chroma and Langchain both o...
  • Chroma Ecosystem Clients

    Chroma Ecosystem Clients Python JavaScript Ruby Client Java Client Go Client C# Client Rust Client Elixir Client Dart Client PHP Client PHP (Laravel) Client Chroma Ec...
  • Cross-Encoders Reranking

    Cross-Encoders Reranking Hugging Face Cross Encoders Cross-Encoders Reranking Work in Progress This page is a work in progress and may not be complete. For now this is just a...
  • Keyword Search

    Keyword Search Keyword Search Chroma uses SQLite for storing metadata and documents. Additionally documents are indexed using SQLite FTS5 for fast text search. import chr...