简介 你的第一个骨架 骨架物体 简介 An armature in Blender can be thought of as similar to the armature of a real skeleton, and just like a real skeleton an armature can consist of many bones....
简介 切换笔画编辑工具 工具栏 菜单 上下文菜单 简介 Blender provides a variety of tools for editing Grease Pencil strokes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. 切换笔画编辑...
简介 绘制模式 描边位置和方向控制 笔划放置 绘图平面 辅助(引导) 绘图选项 简介 Draw Mode is the mode in Grease Pencil that allows you to draw in the 3D Viewport. This mode is actually the only one in which n...
简介 简介 Sculpting and painting use brushes to paint directly on meshes. There are several modes that use this. 雕刻 : 修改网格拓扑. 顶点绘制 : 修改活动色层的顶点颜色。 权重绘制 : 修改活动顶点组的顶点权重。 纹理绘制...