书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.007 秒,为您找到 756 个相关结果.
  • [英文] Dopamine 文档

    Dopamine 是由 Google AI 实验室推出的一个基于 Tensorflow 的强化学习(RL)框架,旨在为新手和资深 RL 研究人员提供灵活性、稳定性和可重复性
  • Everything cURL(英文)

    Everything curl is an extensive guide to everything there is to know about curl, the project, the command-line tool, the library, how everything started and how it came to be what ...
  • Introduction to TouchDesigner(英文)

    The book is a good keyboard-side or bed-side companion that explores the concepts, techniques and methodology behind TouchDesigner - something I have not had the opportunity to per...
  • [英文]PDFKit Document

    A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser.
  • [英文]React Enlightenment

    A thoughtful and complete introduction to React.
  • [英文] DB Tutorial

    Let's Build a Simple Database. Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
  • [英文]Spark Gotchas

    Unless explicitly stated otherwise this document is applicable to: - Apache Spark 2.0 or later. - Scala 2.11. - Python 3.5 or later.
  • React Enlightenment(英文)

    A thoughtful and complete introduction to React.
  • A Byte of Vim(英文)

    "A Byte of Vim" is a book which aims to help you to learn how to use the Vim editor (version 7), even if all you know is how to use the computer keyboard.
  • why powershell(英文)

    Ever wonder why PowerShell is a thing, or find yourself having to explain it to someone else? Here's a concise guide that does just that.