书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.006 秒,为您找到 731 个相关结果.
  • [英文] Geocomputation with R

    Geocomputation with R is for people who want to analyze, visualize and model geographic data with open source software. It is based on R, a statistical programming language that ha...
  • Book on TypeScript(英文)

    This book aims to provide a casual introduction to the main features of the TypeScript language. This chapter covers: The intended audience for this book (i.e. who did I imagine w...
  • [英文] Dopamine 文档

    Dopamine 是由 Google AI 实验室推出的一个基于 Tensorflow 的强化学习(RL)框架,旨在为新手和资深 RL 研究人员提供灵活性、稳定性和可重复性
  • A Byte of Python(英文)

    "A Byte of Python" is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about c...
  • Hacks and Notes(英文)

    The content of this compilation is about my notes on Software Development and other hacks. I mainly write for me, although by making it public I think others can enjoy this work as...
  • Rust By Example(英文)

    Rust is a modern systems programming language focusing on safety, speed, and concurrency. It accomplishes these goals by being memory safe without using garbage collection.
  • GitBook Documentation(英文)

    This book contains the entire documentation for GitBook (gitbook.com and format).
  • Manas Handbook(英文)

    This text serves two simultaneous purposes that mutually feedback each other: it is a user manual which explains how some processes work inside Manas and it's also an instruction m...
  • [英文] Revel Tutorial

    Revel - A Web Application Framework for Go! This tutorial walks through getting started with a very simple Revel app.
  • [英文] Revel Manual

    Revel - A Web Application Framework for Go! Ready to have a blast building apps? Let’s get started!