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  • 教程

    Tutorials Tutorials This section contains tutorials demonstrating how to do specific tasksin TensorFlow. If you are new to TensorFlow, we recommend reading thedocuments in the...
  • S4TF 环境配置

    S4TF 环境配置 本地安装 Swift for Tensorflow 在 Colaboratory 中快速体验 Swift for Tensorflow 在 Docker 中快速体验 Swift for TensorFlow S4TF 环境配置 本地安装 Swift for Tensorflow 目前 S4TF 支持 Mac 和 Linu...
  • Tools for Serving

    Tools for Serving Overview KFServing Seldon Serving NVIDIA TensorRT Inference Server TensorFlow Serving TensorFlow Batch Prediction Feedback Tools for Serving Serving of...
  • 4.2. Go SDK

    WasmEdge Go SDK Getting Started WasmEdge-go Extensions WasmEdge AOT Compiler in Go Examples WasmEdge Go SDK The followings are the guides to working with the WasmEdge Go AP...
  • MPI Training

    MPI Training Alpha Installation Creating an MPI Job Monitoring an MPI Job Docker Images Feedback MPI Training Instructions for using MPI for training Alpha This Kubef...
  • 前言

    前言 前言 2018年3月30日,Google在加州山景城举行了第二届TensorFlow Dev Summit开发者峰会,并宣布正式发布TensorFlow 1.8版本。笔者有幸获得Google的资助亲临峰会现场,见证了这一具有里程碑式意义的新版本发布。众多新功能的加入和支持展示了TensorFlow的雄心壮志,同时早在2017年秋就开始测试的Ea...
  • 介绍

    简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2.0 | A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow 2.0 Indices and tables 简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2.0 | A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow 2.0 基于Eager Execution | Based on Eager Exe...
  • Tools for Serving

    Tools for Serving Overview Seldon Core Serving BentoML NVIDIA Triton Inference Server TensorFlow Serving TensorFlow Batch Prediction Tools for Serving Serving of ML model...
  • 下载及安装

    下载与安装 Pip 安装 基于 Docker 的安装 其它镜像 基于 VirtualEnv 的安装 基于 Anaconda 的安装 尝试你的第一个 TensorFlow 程序 (可选) 启用 GPU 支持 运行 TensorFlow 从源码安装 克隆 TensorFlow 仓库 Linux 安装 安装 Bazel 安装其他依赖 可选: ...
  • Tools for Serving

    Tools for Serving Overview KFServing Seldon Core Serving BentoML NVIDIA Triton Inference Server TensorFlow Serving TensorFlow Batch Prediction Tools for Serving Serving ...