Syntax and supported statements ALTER TABLE CREATE TABLE DROP TABLE CREATE VIEW, ALTER VIEW, DROP VIEW Statement transformations ddl_strategy Running, tracking and controlli...
Pages in this section 入门 在你最喜爱的平台上部署Vitess Pages in this section Kubernetes上跑Vitess 本机运行Vitess 用Vagrant跑Vitess Vitess支持在以上平台上进行二进制部署。 如果你对如何构建二进制文件很感兴趣,或者想对vitess做贡献。可以参...
Vitess tracing Configuring tracing Running Jaeger in docker Configuring tracing for vtgate, vttablet and vtctld Instrumenting queries Inspecting trace spans in the Jaeger web UI...
Extensions to the MySQL Query Language MySQL Query Language Extensions Vitess uses the MySQL client server protocol and query language . While there are some limitations and co...
Extensions to the MySQL Query Language MySQL Query Language Extensions Vitess uses the MySQL client server protocol and query language . While there are some limitations and co...
Vitess on Kubernetes 私有云 Vitess非常适合云部署,因为它使数据库能够逐步增加容量。运行Vitess的最简单方法是通过Kubernetes。 Vitess on Kubernetes Kubernetes是Docker容器的开源编排系统,Vitess可以作为Kubernetes的云原生分布式数据库运行。 Kubernet...
Flags UI, API and Metrics Example invocation of VTOrc Durability Policies Running VTOrc using the Vitess Operator VTOrc VTOrc is the automated fault detection and repair too...
Pages in this section Reference Detailed information about specific Vitess functionality Pages in this section Vitess API Reference vtctl Reference Vitess Sequences MySQL ...
Cell Data center, availability zone or group of computing resources A cell is a group of servers and network infrastructure collocated in an area, and isolated from failures in ...