PostgreSQL Ranges PostgreSQL Let's say the name of the new datatype is pg_new_type in the postgres database. That name has to be mapped to DataTypes.NEWTYPE . Additionally, i...
27.1. Standard Unix Tools Tip 27.1. Standard Unix Tools On most Unix platforms, PostgreSQL modifies its command title as reported by ps , so that individual server processes c...
Run the commands below from the master node as gpadmin user in order to validate basic functionality of the Greenplum cluster. Refresh the environment variables: $ source ~/....
简单表达式 逻辑表达式 比较表达式 示例 简单表达式 逻辑表达式 逻辑表达式的操作符和运算规则,请参见逻辑操作符 。 比较表达式 常用的比较操作符,请参见操作符 。 除比较操作符外,还可以使用以下句式结构: BETWEEN操作符 a BETWEEN x_ _ AND y等效于a >= x AND a <= y a NOT B...
storage_rca_collector Usage Options Examples storage_rca_collector This tool collects storage-related table data and generates an output file which can be provided to VMware ...