Proxy Configuration Proxy Configuration Linkerd provides a set of annotations that can be used to override the dataplane proxy's configuration. This is useful for overriding th...
Adding Your Service Example Verifying the data plane pods have been injected More reading Adding Your Service In order for your services to take advantage of Linkerd, they n...
Adding Your Service Protocol support Server-speaks-first protocols Inject Reference Notes Adding Your Service In order for your service to take advantage of Linkerd, it nee...
Overview How it works Versions and channels Next steps Overview Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes and other frameworks. It makesrunning services easier and safer by g...
Overview How it works Versions and channels Next steps Overview Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes and other frameworks. It makesrunning services easier and safer by g...
Extensions List Extensions List Linkerd provides a mix of built-in and third-party extensions to add additional functionality to the base installation. The following is the lis...
Frequently Asked Questions What is Linkerd? What’s the difference between Linkerd and Istio? What’s the difference between Linkerd and Envoy? Why doesn’t Linkerd use Envoy? Who...
Frequently Asked Questions What is Linkerd? Who owns Linkerd and how is it licensed? Who is Linkerd for? How do I pronounce Linkerd? How do I write Linkerd? Who maintains Link...
Load Balancing Service discovery Load balancing gRPC Load Balancing For HTTP, HTTP/2, and gRPC connections, Linkerd automatically load balances requests across all destinatio...
Proxy Configuration Proxy Configuration Linkerd provides a set of annotations that can be used to override the data plane proxy’s configuration. This is useful for overriding t...