Installation Setup and Usage Bundle Output Configuration Installation The easiest way to include webpack and its plugins is through NPM and save it to your devDependencies :...
Injecting Dependencies and DOM Changes Injecting Dependencies and DOM Changes In the previous example the class we were testing, MessageComponent , did not have any injected de...
Zones 在 Zone 内 变化检测 Debugging 简单堆栈跟踪 详细的“长”堆栈跟踪 Zones Zone.js 提供了一种称为区域的机制,用于封装和拦截浏览器中的异步活动(例如setTimeout,promise)。 这些区域是执行上下文,允许Angular跟踪异步活动的开始和完成,并根据需要执行任务(例如,变化检测)。 Z...
Change Detection Change Detection Figure: Change Detector by Vovka is licensed under Public Domain ( ) Change d...
Directives Directives A Directive modifies the DOM to change apperance, behavior or layout of DOM elements. Directives are one of the core building blocks Angular uses to build...
@Inject and @Injectable @Inject() @Injectable() @Inject and @Injectable Statements that look like @SomeName are decorators. Decorators are a proposed extension to JavaScr...
AngularComponent interface Example destroy method digest method getScope method AngularComponent interface Used to enable rendering of Angular components within a React comp...