Replication with Raft consensus Strong write consistency Tunable read consistency Read replicas Replication with Raft consensus DocDB replicates data in order to survive fai...
Check System Stats Host resource usage Auditd Yugabyte processes state Check System Stats AttentionThis page documents an earlier version. Go to the latest (v2.1)version. ...
Build a Java application Maven Working example Prerequisites Create the Maven build file Write an application Build and run the application Build a Java application YSQL...
Build a C application Prerequisites Install the C driver (libpq) Working example Sample C code Run the application Build a C application YSQL Prerequisites The tutori...
Develop Python Apps Installation Working Example Pre-requisites Writing the python code Running the application Installation Working Example Pre-requisites Writing the pytho...
Colocated tables Motivation 1. Small datasets needing HA or geo-distribution 2. Large datasets - a few large tables with many small tables 3. Scaling the number of databases, eac...
Amazon Web Services Prerequisites 1. Create a terraform config file 2. Create a cluster 3. Verify resources created 4. Destroy the cluster (optional) Amazon Web Services A...
Develop Java Apps Maven Working example Prerequisites Creating the maven build file Writing a HelloWorld Redis app Building and running the app Develop Java Apps YEDIS ...