Acknowledgements Acknowledgements The developers of NumPy . Theano is based on its ndarray object and uses much of its implementation. The developers of SciPy . Our sparse m...
Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C Writing an Optimization Test the optimization Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C This section walks through a non-trivial examp...
Using Op params The params type The params object Defining a params type Registering the params with your Op Signature changes from having params A simple example A more comp...
Using the GPU CUDA backend Testing Theano with GPU Returning a Handle to Device-Allocated Data What Can Be Accelerated on the GPU Tips for Improving Performance on GPU GPU Asyn...
Implementing double in C How does it work? What needs to be defined Defining the methods What the generated C will look like Final version DeepCopyOp ViewOp Shape and Shape_...
gradient – Symbolic Differentiation Gradient related functions List of Implemented R op gradient – Symbolic Differentiation Symbolic gradient is usually computed from gradien...
Glossary Glossary Apply Instances of Apply represent the application of an Op to some input Variable (or variables) to produce some outputVariable (or variables). They are ...