书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.009 秒,为您找到 257 个相关结果.
  • 策略代码

    策略代码 代码编辑 策略重载 策略代码 代码编辑 VN Trader内置了轻量级策略编辑器,在CtaBacktester界面左上角的下拉框中选择策略后,点击左下角的【代码编辑】按钮,即可打开: 该编辑器基于Qscitinlla开发,提供常规的语法高亮、自动补全、代码折叠等功能,同时也可以通过按住Ctrl键滚动鼠标滚轮来进行字体大小的缩放...
  • 启动模块

    启动模块 启动模块 在启动模块之前,请先连接交易接口(连接方法详见基本使用篇的连接接口部分)。看到VN Trader主界面【日志】栏输出“合约信息查询成功”之后再启动模块,如下图所示: 请注意,IB接口因为登录时无法自动获取所有的合约信息,只有在用户手动订阅行情时才能获取。因此需要在主界面上先行手动订阅合约行情,再启动模块。 由于vn.py本...
  • 查看数据

    查看数据 查看数据 目前VN Trader中获取数据的方式一共有三种: 通过RQData或者交易接口下载 从CSV文件导入 使用DataRecorder模块录制 不管采用何种方法获取数据,点击左上角的【刷新】按钮,即可看到当前数据库中已有数据的统计情况。刷新过程中界面可能会有偶尔的卡顿,通常对于越多的数据,卡顿的时间也会越长。刷新成...
  • Bonus Round: Adaptive Streaming

    Bonus Round: Adaptive Streaming Bonus Round: Adaptive Streaming What? the act of producing many resolutions (bit rates) and split the media into chunks and serve them via h...
  • FAQ

    FAQ Build API Debugging Performance Configuration Load balancing Extensions Windows FAQ Build Where do I get binaries? Why does Envoy use BoringSSL? Why does Envoy t...
  • FAQ

    FAQ Build API Debugging Performance Configuration Load balancing Extensions FAQ Build Where do I get binaries? Why does Envoy use BoringSSL? API How long will t...
  • 策略代码

    策略代码 代码编辑 策略重载 策略代码 代码编辑 VN Trader内置了轻量级策略编辑器,在CtaBacktester界面左上角的下拉框中选择策略后,点击左下角的【代码编辑】按钮,即可打开: 该编辑器基于Qscitinlla开发,提供常规的语法高亮、自动补全、代码折叠等功能,同时也可以通过按住Ctrl键滚动鼠标滚轮来进行字体大小的缩放。 ...
  • Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit?

    Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit? Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit? Envoy is a platform and needs to allow its APIs to grow and...
  • Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit?

    Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit? Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit? Envoy is a platform and needs to allow its APIs to grow and...
  • FAQ

    FAQ Build API Debugging Performance Configuration Load balancing Extensions Windows FAQ Build Where do I get binaries? Why does Envoy use BoringSSL? Why does Envoy t...