7. CPU usage 7. CPU usage HAProxy normally spends most of its time in the system and a smaller part in userland . A finely tuned 3.5 GHz CPU can sustain a rate abou...
4.2. NGINX 4.2. NGINX NGINX is the second de - facto standard HTTP server . Just like Apache , it covers a wide range of features . NGINX is built on a similar model...
8. Logging 8. Logging For logging , HAProxy always relies on a syslog server since it does not perform any file - system access . The standard way of using it is ...
8.9. Examples of logs 8.9. Examples of logs These are real - world examples of logs accompanied with an explanation . Some of them have been made up by hand . The s...
Recommendations Use A Reverse Proxy Recommendations This document contains a set recommendations, or best practices, when using Fastify. Use A Reverse Proxy Use A Revers...
4.3. Varnish 4.3. Varnish Varnish is a smart caching reverse - proxy , probably best described as a web application accelerator . Varnish doesn 't implement SSL/TLS a...