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  • Rails 实践

    本书通过一个在线网店程序的开发过程,带领大家了解 Rails 全貌。第一章,我们安装 Ruby 和 Rails 的开发环境,并学习如何设计项目 UI。第二章,我们讲解 Rails 中的资源含义,学习 Rails 如何实现 REST 风格架构,感受 Rails 的快捷开发。第三章,我们关注 Rails 的视图,从页面部分开始了解 MVC 框架。第四章,我们关注...
  • MUI 使用手册

    MUI,最接近原生APP体验的高性能前端框架。性能和体验的差距,一直是mobile app开发者放弃HTML5的首要原因。 浏览器天生的切页白屏、不忍直视的转页动画、浮动元素的抖动、无法流畅下拉刷新等问题,这些都让HTML5开发者倍感挫败,尤其拿到Android低端机运行,摔手机的心都有; 另一方面,浏览器默认控件样式又少又丑,制作一个漂亮的控件非常麻烦,也...
  • [英文] Software Development Guide

    This is a guide to projects and software development at the Netherlands eScience Center. It both serves as a source of information for exactly how we work at the eScience Center, a...
  • Prometheus v2.21 Documentation

    Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.
  • Prometheus v2.19 Documentation

    Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.
  • Prometheus v2.18 Documentation

    Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.
  • KubeEdge v1.1.0 documentation

    KubeEdge is an open source system for extending native containerized application orchestration capabilities to hosts at Edge.
  • [英文] Divio Cloud developer handbook

    Autopilot for your Django projects. The handbook is aimed at developers, who are already familiar with command-line tools and either know some basic Python or are experienced progr...
  • A gentle guide to asynchronous programming with Eclipse Vert.x for Java developers

    This guide is a gentle introduction to asynchronous programming with Vert.x, primarily aimed at developers familiar with mainstream non-asynchronous web development frameworks and ...
  • Prometheus v2.20 Documentation

    Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.