书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.020 秒,为您找到 439 个相关结果.
  • Client Interfaces

    Client Interfaces Multi-Protocol Support Ofs (Hadoop compatible) O3fs (Hadoop compatible) S3 Protocol Command Line Interface Recon API Java API CSI Protocol Client Inter...
  • Overview

    Apache Ozone Apache Ozone Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object store for Hadoop. Apart from scaling to billions of objects of varying sizes, Ozone can func...
  • Overview

    Apache Ozone Apache Ozone Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object store for Hadoop. Apart from scaling to billions of objects of varying sizes, Ozone can func...
  • Tenant commands

    Tenant commands Quick Start Setup Create a tenant List tenants Assign a user to a tenant Assign a user as a tenant admin List users in a tenant Get tenant user info Revoke a...
  • 高可用 OM

    高可用 OM Ozone Manager 的高可用 配置 实现细节 参考文档 高可用 OM Ozone 有两个元数据管理节点(用于键管理的 Ozone Manager 和用于块空间管理的 Storage Container Management )以及多个存储节点(数据节点)。数据是借助 RAFT 共识算法在数据节点之间复制。 为了避免任何单...
  • Client Interfaces

    Client Interfaces Multi-Protocol Support Ofs (Hadoop compatible) O3fs (Hadoop compatible) S3 Protocol Command Line Interface Java API CSI Protocol Client Interfaces Mu...
  • Command Line Interface

    Command Line Interface General Command Format Volume operations Bucket operations Key operations Command Line Interface Ozone shell is the primary interface to interact with...
  • CSI 协议

    CSI 协议 入门 创建 pv-test 并查看结果 CSI 协议 容器存储接口 Container Storage Interface (CSI) 使存储供应商(SP)能够一次性开发一个插件,并让它跨多个容器编排工作, 就像 Kubernetes 或者 YARN。 获取更多 CSI 的信息,可以参考SCI spec CSI 定义了一个简单...
  • Observability

    Observability Prometheus Distributed tracing ozone insight Configuration Metrics Logs Observability Ozone provides multiple tools to get more information about the current...
  • Observability

    Observability Prometheus Distributed tracing ozone insight Configuration Metrics Logs Observability Ozone provides multiple tools to get more information about the curren...