12.2 Configurations for Data Access 12.2 Configurations for Data Access The table summarizes the configuration modules and the dependencies you should add to your build to enab...
Has One 重写外键 重写引用 多态关联 Has One 的 CURD 预加载 自引用 Has One 外键约束 Has One has one 与另一个模型建立一对一的关联,但它和一对一关系有些许不同。 这种关联表明一个模型的每个实例都包含或拥有另一个模型的一个实例。 例如,您的应用包含 user 和 credit card 模...
Go Write data Installation Connect to database Data model Low-level API Create row objects Insert data Streaming insert High-level API Create row objects Insert data Strea...
Has Many 重写外键 重写引用 多态关联 Has Many 的 CURD 预加载 自引用 Has Many 外键约束 Has Many has many 与另一个模型建立了一对多的连接。 不同于 has one ,拥有者可以有零或多个关联模型。 例如,您的应用包含 user 和 credit card 模型,且每个 user ...
Implements Customized Data Type Scanner / Valuer GormDataTypeInterface GormValuerInterface Create/Update from SQL Expr Value based on Context Clause Expression Customized Da...
12.2.2 Configuring Hibernate Setting up a Hibernate/JPA EntityManager Using GORM for Hibernate 12.2.2 Configuring Hibernate Setting up a Hibernate/JPA EntityManager Using...
12.2.2 Configuring Hibernate Setting up a Hibernate/JPA EntityManager Using GORM for Hibernate 12.2.2 Configuring Hibernate Setting up a Hibernate/JPA EntityManager Using...