Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN network provider Rolling back the default CNI network provider to OpenShift SDN Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN network provider As a cluste...
Configuring hybrid networking Configuring hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes Additional resources Configuring hybrid networking As a cluster administrator, you can configur...
Logging for egress firewall and network policy rules Audit logging Audit configuration Configuring egress firewall and network policy auditing for a cluster Enabling egress fire...
Load balancing on RHOSP Using the Octavia OVN load balancer provider driver with Kuryr SDN Scaling clusters for application traffic by using Octavia Scaling clusters by using Octa...
固定 IP 和 Mac 的示例 Kube-OVN 默认会根据 Pod 所在 Namespace 所属的子网中分配 IP 和 Mac。如果用户需要指定 IP/Mac 可以在创建 Pod 时通过 annotation 来定义所需的 IP/Mac。 固定 IP 和 Mac 的示例 apiVersion : v1 kind : Pod metad...
CI test coverage docker crio containerd CI test coverage To generate this Matrix run ./tests/scripts/md-table/ docker OS / CNI calico canal cilium flannel kube-...