书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.021 秒,为您找到 325 个相关结果.
  • Service Container

    Service Container Introduction Differences From Laravel Accessing The Container Resolving Instances Service Container Introduction The Laravel service container is a powe...
  • Errors & Logging

    Errors & Logging Introduction Configuration Error Detail Custom Monolog Configuration The Exception Handler The Report Method Ignoring Exceptions By Type The Render Method ...
  • Errors & Logging

    Errors & Logging Introduction Configuration Error Detail Custom Monolog Configuration The Exception Handler The Report Method Ignoring Exceptions By Type The Render Method ...
  • Errors & Logging

    Errors & Logging Introduction Errors & Logging Introduction When you start a new Lumen project, error and exception handling is already configured for you. In addition, Lume...
  • Views

    Views Introduction Differences From Laravel Views Introduction Lumen allows you to serve HTML content using the View facade and the powerful Blade templating engine. Dif...
  • 数据库

    数据库使用基础 配置 基础使用 执行查找 查询语句构建器 Eloquent ORM 迁移 数据库使用基础 配置 Lumen 让连接数据库和执行查找变得相当容易。数据库相关配置信息在 .env 文件里面, DB_* 开头。 你可以定义所有的数据库连接. 目前 Lumen 支持四种数据库系统: MySQL、Postgres、S...
  • Routing

    HTTP Routing Basic Routing Generating URLs To Routes Route Parameters Required Parameters Regular Expression Constraints Named Routes Generating URLs To Named Routes Route ...
  • Requests

    HTTP Requests Accessing The Request Basic Request Information Retrieving The Request URI Retrieving The Request Method PSR-7 Requests Retrieving Input Retrieving An Input Valu...
  • Controllers

    HTTP Controllers Introduction Basic Controllers Controllers & Namespaces Naming Controller Routes Controller Middleware Dependency Injection & Controllers Constructor Injecti...
  • Errors & Logging

    Errors & Logging Introduction Configuration Error Detail The Exception Handler The Report Method Ignoring Exceptions By Type The Render Method HTTP Exceptions Logging Cont...