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  • Hive TsFile

    TsFile的Hive连接器使用手册 概要 什么是TsFile的Hive连接器 系统环境要求 数据类型对应关系 为Hive添加依赖jar包 创建Tsfile-backed的Hive表 从Tsfile-backed的Hive表中查询 选择查询语句示例 聚合查询语句示例 后续工作 TsFile的Hive连接器使用手册 概要 Ts...
  • Hive Dialect

    Hive Dialect Use Hive Dialect SQL Client Table API DDL CATALOG Show DATABASE Show Create Alter Update Properties Update Owner Update Location Drop Use TABLE Show Cre...
  • Hive Catalog

    Hive Catalog Set up HiveCatalog Dependencies Configuration How to use HiveCatalog Example step 1: set up a Hive Metastore step 2: configure Flink cluster and SQL CLI step 3: s...
  • Hive 方言

    Queries 概览 CREATE Statements DROP Statements ALTER Statements INSERT Statements Load Data Statements SHOW Statements ADD Statements SET Statements
  • Hive Catalog

    Hive Catalog Set up HiveCatalog Dependencies Configuration How to use HiveCatalog Example step 1: set up a Hive Metastore step 2: start SQL Client, and create a Hive catalog wi...
  • Hive Example

    Hive Example Install Hive Install InLong Create a data access Approve the data access Configure the agent file Hive Example Here we use a simple example to help you experie...
  • Hive Example

    Hive Example Prepare to get module archive Prepare to modify configuration file Example: conf/common.properties Example: conf/SortClusterConfig.conf Example: conf/sid_hive_inlon...
  • Hive Example

    Hive Example Prepare to get module archive Prepare to modify configuration file Example: conf/common.properties Example: conf/SortClusterConfig.conf Example: conf/sid_hive_inlon...
  • Hive Example

    Hive Example Install Hive Install InLong Create a data access Approve the data access Configure the agent file Hive Example Here we use a simple example to help you experie...