1. Extending the CMS: Examples 1.1. My First Plugin 1.1.1. The Model 1.1.2. The Plugin Class 1.1.3. The Template 1.2. My First App (apphook) 1.3. My First Menu 1. Extendin...
1. Extending the CMS: Examples 1.1. My First Plugin 1.1.1. The Model 1.1.2. The Plugin Class 1.1.3. The Template 1.2. My First App (apphook) 1.3. My First Menu 1. Extendin...
5. Placeholders outside the CMS 5.1. Quickstart 5.2. Adding content to a placeholder 5.2.1. Using the front-end editor 5.3. Fieldsets 5. Placeholders outside the CMS Placeho...
5. Placeholders outside the CMS 5.1. Quickstart 5.2. Adding content to a placeholder 5.2.1. Using the front-end editor 5.3. Fieldsets 5. Placeholders outside the CMS Placeho...
5. Placeholders outside the CMS 5.1. Quickstart 5.1.1. Admin Integration 5.1.2. I18N Placeholders 5.1.3. Templates 5.2. Adding content to a placeholder 5.2.1. Using the front-e...
建设 Django 建设 Django Django is a community that lives on its volunteers. As it keeps growing, wealways need more people to help others. As soon as you learn Django, you cancontr...