书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.020 秒,为您找到 8884 个相关结果.
  • Django internals

    Django internals Django internals Documentation for people hacking on Django itself. This is the place to go if you’d like to help improve Django or learn about how Django is ma...
  • Django 异常

    Django 异常 Django 核心异常 AppRegistryNotReady ObjectDoesNotExist EmptyResultSet FieldDoesNotExist MultipleObjectsReturned SuspiciousOperation PermissionDenied ViewDoesNot...
  • Django FAQ

    Django FAQ Django FAQ FAQ:概述 这个项目因何存在。 “Django”是什么意思,怎么发音? Django 稳定吗? Django 可扩展吗? 谁在这背后? Django 是如何授权的? 为什么 Django 包含 Python 的协议文件? 哪些站点使用 Django? Django 似乎是一个 MVC 框...
  • Django internals

    Django internals Django internals Documentation for people hacking on Django itself. This is the place to go ifyou'd like to help improve Django or learn about how Django is ma...
  • Django FAQ

    Django FAQ Django FAQ FAQ: General Why does this project exist? What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it? Is Django stable? Does Django scale? Who’s behind th...
  • Django at a glance

    Django at a glance Design your model Install it Enjoy the free API A dynamic admin interface: it’s not just scaffolding – it’s the whole house Design your URLs Write your view...
  • Django on Jython

    Django on Jython Django on Jython Jython is an implementation of Python that runs on the Java platform (JVM). If you want to use Jython (which supports only Python 2.7 at the...
  • Django Exceptions

    Django Exceptions Django Core Exceptions AppRegistryNotReady ObjectDoesNotExist EmptyResultSet FieldDoesNotExist MultipleObjectsReturned SuspiciousOperation PermissionDenied ...
  • 初识 Django

    初识 Django 设计模型 创建模型 享用便捷的 API 动态生成的管理页面:并非徒有其表 规划 URL 编写视图 设计模板 这只是冰山一角 初识 Django Django 最初被设计用于具有快速开发需求的新闻类站点,目的是要实现简单快捷的网站开发。以下内容简要介绍了如何使用 Django 实现一个数据库驱动的 Web 应用。 ...
  • Django admin

    Django admin Django admin To add, edit and delete the posts we’ve just modeled, we will use Django admin. Let’s open the blog/admin.py file and replace its contents with this...