书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.016 秒,为您找到 258 个相关结果.
  • GBDT

    GBDT on Angel 1. 算法介绍 2. 分布式实现 on Angel 1. 参数存储 2. 整体流程 3. 最佳分裂点 & 分裂 4. 运行 & 性能 输入格式 参数 性能 GBDT on Angel GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree):梯度提升决策树 是一种集成使用多个弱分类器...
  • LINE

    LINE 1. 算法介绍 2. 分布式实现 3. 运行 算法IO参数 算法参数 常见问题 LINE LINE(Large-scale Information Network Embedding)算法,是Network Embedding领域著名的算法之一,将图数据嵌入到向量空间,从达到用针对向量类型数据的机器学习算法来处理图数据的目的 ...
  • Factorization Machine(FM)

    Factorization Machines 1. 算法介绍 Factorization Model Factorization Machines as Predictors 2. FM on Angel 3. 运行和性能 Factorization Machines 因子分解机(Factorization Machine, FM)是由S...
  • LINE

    LINE 1. 算法介绍 2. 分布式实现 3. 运行 算法IO参数 算法参数 常见问题 LINE LINE(Large-scale Information Network Embedding)算法,是Network Embedding领域著名的算法之一,将图数据嵌入到向量空间,从达到用针对向量类型数据的机器学习算法来处理图数据的目的 ...
  • Github

    694 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    jael Documentation This Repository jael A simple server-side HTML templating engine for Dart. Though its syntax is but a superset of HTML, it supports features such as: ...
  • Middleware

    451 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    Middleware Middleware Denying Requests via Middleware Declaring Middleware Global Middleware Maintaining Code Readability Next Up… Middleware Middleware Denying Request...

    759 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    README README This is the documentation for Angel , a backend framework in the Dart language.This website consists of multiple guides and pages about features within...
  • PostgreSQL

    551 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    PostgreSQL support is provided by way of package:angel_orm_postgres .The PostgreSQLExecutor implements QueryExecutor , and takes care ofrunning prepared queries, and passing valu...
  • html_builder-based engine

    569 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    html Installation Usage html A plug-in that allows you to return html_builder AST's from request handlers, and have them sent as HTML automatically. package:html_builder...
  • Getting Started

    707 2019-12-14 《Angel v2.x Document》
    Getting Started First Steps Project Setup Launching an HTTP Server Adding a Route Route Handlers Printing Headers Reading Request Bodies Adding an Error Handler Conclusion...