Config Reference Basic Config base title description head host port dest ga serviceWorker locales shouldPrefetch Theming theme themeConfig Markdown markdown.lineNumb...
Asset Handling Relative URLs Public Files Base URL Asset Handling Relative URLs All markdown files are compiled into Vue components and processed by webpack, therefore you...
Configuration Configuration Properties npm/pnpm PWA pnpm (also known as performant npm) is used as the default frontend package manager instead of npm. The benefit of pnpm ...
桌面通知 申请通知权限 Notification.permission Notification.requestPermission() 通知展现与交互 展现配置项 title 和 body icon image badge direction vibrate 交互配置项 tag renotify silent requireInt...
What is Nuxt? Why Nuxt? How does it work? Are you Nuxt? Are you courageously Nuxt? What is Nuxt? Nuxt goal is to make web development intuitive and performant with a great d...
Assets Relative URLs Public Files Base Helper Packages and Path Aliases Assets Relative URLs You can reference any assets using relative URLs in your Markdown content: !...