Transcoding Transcoding What? the act of converting one of the streams (audio or video) from one CODEC to another one. Why? sometimes some devices (TVs, smartphones, cons...
Artifacts Artifacts Starting with Julia 1.6, the artifacts support has moved from Pkg.jl to Julia itself. Until proper documentation can be added here, you can learn more abou...
Artifacts Artifacts Starting with Julia 1.6, the artifacts support has moved from Pkg.jl to Julia itself. Until proper documentation can be added here, you can learn more abou...
Artifacts Artifacts Starting with Julia 1.6, the artifacts support has moved from Pkg.jl to Julia itself. Until proper documentation can be added here, you can learn more abou...
Artifacts Artifacts Starting with Julia 1.6, the artifacts support has moved from Pkg.jl to Julia itself. Until proper documentation can be added here, you can learn more abou...
Chapter 0 - The infamous hello world FFmpeg libav architecture Requirements Chapter 0 - code walkthrough TLDR; show me the code and execution. Chapter 0 - The infamous hell...