Routing What are nested routes? Defining nested routes What it means Index Routes TODO: <ExampleApp hideInvoice step={0} /> Nested URLs without nesting layouts Review Ro...
json json This is a shortcut for creating application/json responses. It assumes you are using utf-8 encoding. import { json } from "@remix-run/node" ; // or clou...
useRevalidator useRevalidator This hook is simply a re-export of React Router’s useRevalidator . This hook allows you to revalidate the data for any reason. React Router auto...
<Scripts /> <Scripts /> This component renders the client runtime of your app. You should render it inside the <body> of your HTML, usually in app/root.tsx . import { Sc...
defer defer This is a shortcut for creating a streaming/deferred response. It assumes you are using utf-8 encoding. From a developer perspective it behaves just like json() ,...
Resources Best Practices Help & Support Community Libraries Developer Tools description: List of resources on Ethereum, Solidity, and Go. Resources List of resources on...
<Await> <Await> The <Await> component is responsible for resolving promises accessed from useLoaderData . This can be thought of as a thin wrapper around React Error Boundari...