Particle Control Panel Particle Control Panel The particle control panel can perform some operations on the particles selected in the editor. The interface is as follows: The...
Curve Editor Curve Editor The curve editor can set the curve of a certain property in the particle system with time. The abscissa represents the unitized life cycle of a particl...
Using the Editor through Kong Manager Prerequisites Enter Editor Mode Navigating the Editor Editing Files Adding new files Authenticating files Deleting files Using the E...
Toolbar Toolbar You learned to create a pipeline in Create a Pipeline . You’ll perform a lot of operations on the pipeline canvas, but a lot of additional functionality is avail...
Toolbar Toolbar You learned to create a pipeline in Create a Pipeline . You’ll perform a lot of operations on the pipeline canvas, but a lot of additional functionality is avail...
Toolbar Toolbar You learned to create a pipeline in Create a Pipeline . You’ll perform a lot of operations on the pipeline canvas, but a lot of additional functionality is avail...