MongoDB 1. Data Consistency 2. High Read Penalty of Eventual Consistency 3. Data Models MongoDB AttentionThis page documents an earlier version. Go to the latest (v2.1)versi...
Apache HBase Simpler software stack High availability and fast failover C++ implementation Multi-data center deployment Apache HBase Following are the key areas of differen...
Best Practices Local vs remote SSDs Best Practices Local vs remote SSDs Kubernetes gives users the option of using remote disks using dynamic provisioning or local storage w...
Build the source code Install necessary packages Building the code Build Java code Build the source code macOS CentOS Ubuntu NoteCentOS 7 is the recommended Linux distr...
Recover failing disk Cluster replication recovery Failed disk replacement Recover failing disk YugabyteDB can be configured to use multiple storage disks by setting the —fs_d...
Follower reads 1. Create universe 2. Write some data k 3. Strongly consistent reads from tablet leaders 4. Follower reads from tablet replicas 5. Clean up (optional) ...
Date and time Introduction Special values Formatting Time zones Timestamps Date and time intervals Manipulating using truncation Bringing it all together Ambiguity - Using ...