书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.014 秒,为您找到 1165 个相关结果.
  • Static IP

    1073 2019-05-16 《Kube-OVN 0.x Document》
    Static IP For a single Pod For Workloads Static IP Kube-OVN supports allocation a static IP address for a single Pod, or a static IP pool for a Workload with multiple Pods (D...
  • Configuring hybrid networking

    Configuring hybrid networking Configuring hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes Additional resources Configuring hybrid networking As a cluster administrator, you can configur...
  • IP 冲突检测

    安装 kube-ovn webhook 使用 kube-ovn 可以通过安装 webhook 来拦截有冲突的固定IP的 Deployment/StatefulSet/DaemonSet/Pod 创建。 安装 kube-ovn webhook 相对于其他webhook,作为基础网络插件的 webhook,安装稍显繁琐。因为webhook需要用htt...
  • summary

    9837 2018-02-01 《SDN网络指南》
    Summary 1. 前言 2. 网络基础理论 TCP-IP网络模型 ARP ICMP 路由 交换机 UDP DHCP-DNS TCP VLAN Overlay 3. Linux网络 Linux网络配置 虚拟网络设备 iptables-netfilter 负载均衡 流量控制 SR-IOV 内核VRF ...
  • 阿里云

    测试环境 测试方法 测试结果 TCP 本测试主要在阿里云上进行,测试在公有云环境下使用 Kube-OVN 容器网络的性能表现,测试指标为 host 网络模式和 Kube-OVN 网络模式网络吞吐量的比较。 测试环境 机器环境:华北五区(呼和浩特)可用区 A,ecs.c5.2xlarge (8 vCPU,16GiB I/O优化,专有网络)* 3...
  • Load balancing on OpenStack

    Load balancing on OpenStack Limitations of load balancer services Local external traffic policies Load balancer source ranges Using the Octavia OVN load balancer provider driver...
  • Dynamic QoS

    QoS QoS Kube-OVN supports dynamically configurations of Ingress and Egress traffic rate limiting. Use the following annotations to specify QoS: ovn.kubernetes.io/ingress_rat...
  • Dynamic QoS

    QoS QoS Kube-OVN supports dynamically configurations of Ingress and Egress traffic rate limiting. Use the following annotations to specify QoS: ovn.kubernetes.io/ingress_rat...
  • Gateway and Direct connect

    Gateways Example Gateways A Gateway is used to enable external network connectivity for Pods within the OVN Virtual Network. Kube-OVN supports two kinds of Gateways: the dist...
  • Configuring hybrid networking

    Configuring hybrid networking Configuring hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes Additional resources Configuring hybrid networking As a cluster administrator, you can configur...