关于 目录 关于 原书的观看地址:https://leanpub.com/understandinges6/read 本书的作者 Nicholas C. Zakas 是一名顶尖的前端工程师,曾出版《JavaScript 高级程序设计(Professional JavaScript for Web Developers)》《高性能 JavaS...
4. An overview of ES2018 and ES2019 4.1. ECMAScript 2018 4.2. ECMAScript 2019 Please support this book: buy it or donate 4. An overview of ES2018 and ES2019 4.1. ECMA...
1.11 Modules 1.11 Modules TypeScript also supports ECMAScript 2015 modules, which are files that contain top-level export and import directives. For this type of module the Typ...
Browser Compatibility Browser Compatibility In a certain specific case, Esprima parser intentionally does not throw an exception (indicating a syntax error) although the input ...