书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 304 个相关结果.
  • 使用远程测试服务

    使用远程测试服务 BrowserStack SauceLabs TestingBot 使用远程测试服务 Intern 支持在 BrowserStack 、SauceLabs 和 TestingBot 等服务上远程运行测试。可通过注册一个帐号并将凭据提供给 cli-test-intern 来使用这些服务。默认情况下,所有测试服务会在 IE11...
  • Mocking

    405 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Mocking Mocking A common type of test is validating a widget’s user interface renders as expected without necessarily being concerned with the widget’s underlying business logi...
  • Accessibility and internationalization

    381 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Accessibility and internationalization Accessibility and internationalization The web is inherently global in nature, and applications written for it need to support all its us...
  • Accessibility and internationalization

    468 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Accessibility and internationalization Accessibility and internationalization The web is inherently global in nature, and applications written for it need to support all its us...
  • Managing state

    487 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Managing state Basic: self-encapsulated widget state Invalidating a widget Intermediate: passing widget properties Advanced: abstracting and injecting state Managing state ...
  • Adaptable presentation

    425 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Adaptable presentation Adaptable presentation With the importance of the internet in modern society, web applications have been required to adapt to a proliferation of ways tha...
  • Setting up a development environment

    1506 2019-04-26 《Dojo v5.0 Tutorials》
    Development Environment Overview Prerequisites Command line tools Configure your editor Debugging Summary Development Environment Overview This tutorial explores settin...
  • 可适配的外观

    可适配的外观 可适配的外观 当前社会,Internet 的重要性与日俱增,应用程序被要求能适应用户访问 web 的各种方式。较小尺寸的移动体验已经超过了桌面,但较大的外观仍然可以满足复杂的应用程序需求。Dojo 提供了多种解决方案,帮助开发人员创建适应用户访问需求的应用程序。 当需要预渲染内容时(如开发静态站点时),Dojo 应用程序可以利用构建时...
  • Creating bundles

    352 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Creating bundles Automatic bundling using routes Manually specifying bundles Bundling considerations Creating bundles A bundle is a portion of code that represents a slice o...
  • Test Renderer

    Test Renderer 包装的测试节点 断言 断言 API assertion.setChildren() assertion.append() assertion.prepend() assertion.replaceChildren() assertion.insertSiblings() assertion.insertBef...