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  • Terminology

    Iterator : iterators are used by users to query keys in a range in sorted order. See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Basic-Operations#iteration Point lookup : In RocksD...
  • JNI Debugging

    Interpreting hs_err_pid files Stack Mac OS X Linux ASAN Mac (Apple LLVM 7.3.0) Linux (CentOS 7) (GCC 4.8.5) Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) (GCC 5.4.0) C++ Debugger lldb (Mac) gdb (L...
  • Basic Operations

    Basic operations Opening A Database RocksDB Options Status Closing A Database Reads And Writes Atomic Updates Synchronous Writes Non-sync Writes Concurrency Merge operator...
  • Terminology

    NOTE for future edits: Please maintain entries in alphabetical order 2PC (Two-phase commit) The pessimistic transactions could commit in two phases: first Prepare and then the ...
  • Storage Engines

    Storage Engines MMFiles RocksDB Advantages Caveats Performance ArangoDB options Future Storage Engines The MMFiles storage engine was removed. To change your MMFiles stor...
  • Basic Operations

    Basic operations Opening A Database RocksDB Options Status Closing A Database Reads Writes Atomic Updates Synchronous Writes Non-sync Writes Advanced Concurrency Merge o...
  • Basic Operations

    Basic operations Opening A Database RocksDB Options Status Closing A Database Reads Writes Atomic Updates Synchronous Writes Non-sync Writes Advanced Concurrency Merge o...
  • Storage Engines

    Storage Engines RocksDB Advantages Caveats Performance ArangoDB options Future Storage Engines At the very bottom of the ArangoDB database lies the storageengine. The sto...
  • Talks

    2019.12 6th Annual RocksDB Summit at Facebook 2017.12 10th RocksDB Meetup 2017.10 HPTS 2016.12 8th RocksDB Meetup playlist 2016.06 6th RocksDB Meetup video 2016.04 Percona...
  • Talks

    2017.12 10th RocksDB Meetup 2017.10 HPTS 2016.12 8th RocksDB Meetup playlist 2016.06 6th RocksDB Meetup video 2016.04 Percona Live 2016.02 The Hive Think Tank "Rocking the Dat...