11.20 'TODAY' 11.20 'TODAY' Available inDSQL, PSQL, ESQL TypeCHAR(5) 'TODAY' is not a variable, but a string literal or date mnemonic. It is, however, special in the sense...
Appendix A. Supplementary Information A.1 The RDB$VALID_BLR Field A.1.1 How Invalidation Works Appendix A. Supplementary Information In this Appendix are topics that develope...
3.6. Binary Data Types 3.6.1. BLOB Subtypes 3.6.2. BLOB Specifics 3.6.3. ARRAY Type Specifying Explicit Boundaries for Dimensions Adding More Dimensions PSQL Source for SHOW...
2.2.2. Primary Tables 2.2.2. Primary Tables Now let us proceed to the primary tables. The first will be the CUSTOMER table. We will create a sequence (a generator) for its pri...
8.3.16. SUBSTRING() 8.3.16. SUBSTRING() Available in DSQL, PSQL Changed in 2.5.1 Syntax SUBSTRING ( str FROM startpos [ FOR length ]) Table 138. SUBSTRING Function...
5.16 COLLATION 5.16.1 CREATE COLLATION How the Engine Detects the Collation Specific Attributes Who Can Create a Collation Examples using C...
7.3. Stored Functions 7.3. Stored Functions Stored PSQL scalar functions are not supported in this version but they are coming in Firebird 3. In Firebird 2.5 and below, you can...
4.1.4. NULL in Expressions Expressions Returning NULL NULL in Logical Expressions 4.1.4. NULL in Expressions NULL is not a value in SQL, but a state indicating that the ...
D.34 RDB$TIME_ZONES D.34 RDB$TIME_ZONES RDB$TIME_ZONES lists the named time zones supported by the engine. It is a virtual table that is populated using the current time zone...
2.4. Loading Test Data 2.4. Loading Test Data Now that the database is created and built, you can populate it with test data. Various tools are available to help with that. If ...