CMakeToolchain: Building your project using CMakePresets Generating the toolchain Building the project using CMakePresets CMakeToolchain: Building your project using CMakePre...
Uploading Packages Uploading Packages In the previous section we learned how to set up a Conan repository . Now we will go through the process of uploading both recipes and bina...
Debugging shared libraries with Visual Studio Creating a project and debugging as usual Removing build files from the Conan cache Installing a hook to copy the PDBs to the packag...
CMake CMake Conan provides different tools to integrate with CMake in a transparent way. Using these tools, the consuming CMakeLists.txt file does not need to be aware of Cona...
Hooks Hook structure Importing from a module Hook interface Storage, activation and sharing Official Hooks Hooks The Conan hooks is a feature intended to extend the Conan f...
Local Recipes Index Repository Building Binaries from a private conan-center-index fork Modifying the local-recipes-index repository files Using local-recipes-index Repositories ...
Declaring the layout when we have multiple subprojects Declaring the layout when we have multiple subprojects Please, first clone the sources to recreate this project. You can f...
XcodeToolchain conf XcodeToolchain The XcodeToolchain is the toolchain generator for Xcode. It will generate .xcconfig configuration files that can be added to Xcode projects....
.conanrc .conanrc Warning This feature is in preview . See the Conan stability section for more information. The .conanrc file can be placed in the folder where you are runn...
Integrations Integrations Conan provides seamless integration with several platforms, build systems, and IDEs. Conan brings off-the-shelf support for some of the most important ...