书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.021 秒,为您找到 173 个相关结果.
  • 瑕疵修复节点

    瑕疵修复节点 输入 属性 输出 示例 瑕疵修复节点 瑕疵修复节点。 瑕疵修复节点 用来延展一幅图像的边界为透明或遮罩区域。在诸如”钢丝擦除”和由色度抠像创建的孔洞应用此节点是非常有用的。 输入 图像 标准化图像输入。 属性 距离 重复进行修复的次数。 输出 图像 标准图像输出。 示例 The left im...
  • 14.8. Syntax highlighting

    Grammars / syntax highlighting Grammars / syntax highlighting PRQL contains multiple grammar definitions to enable tools to highlight PRQL code. These are all intended to provi...
  • 瑕疵修复节点

    瑕疵修复节点 输入 属性 输出 示例 瑕疵修复节点 瑕疵修复节点。 瑕疵修复节点 用来延展一幅图像的边界为透明或遮罩区域。在诸如”钢丝擦除”和由色度抠像创建的孔洞应用此节点是非常有用的。 输入 图像 标准化图像输入。 属性 距离 重复进行修复的次数。 输出 图像 标准图像输出。 示例 The left image s...
  • Local Docker

    How to use Dockerized Anything LLM Minimum Requirements Recommend way to run dockerized AnythingLLM! How to use the user interface About UID and GID in the ENV Build locally fr...
  • Colormaps

    Colormaps Included colormaps Perceptually uniform colormaps Making new colormaps Merging colormaps Modifying colormaps Downloading colormaps Colormaps ProPlot defines col...
  • Glare Node

    44 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Glare Node Inputs Properties Outputs Glare Node The Glare node is used to add lens flares, fog, glows around exposed parts of an image and much more. Inputs Image Standa...
  • Embedding Models

    Embedding Models Characteristics of an Embedding Model Model Categories Execution Environment Embedding Models Work in Progress This page is a work in progress. Embedding M...
  • image/color

    package color Overview Index Package files Subdirectories version: 1.10 package color import "image/color" Overview Package color implements a basic color library. ...
  • Glare Node

    30 2024-08-11 《Blender 4.2 Manual》
    Glare Node Inputs Properties Outputs Glare Node The Glare node is used to add lens flares, fog, glows around bright parts of an image. Inputs Image Standard color input....
  • Embedding Functions GPU Support

    Embedding Functions GPU Support Default Embedding Functions (Onnxruntime) Sentence Transformers OpenCLIP Embedding Functions GPU Support By default, Chroma does not require G...