书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.018 秒,为您找到 26136 个相关结果.
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka Connect to Apache Kafka Limitations Prepare How to use Create route Enabling TLS and SASL/PLAIN authentication Apache Kafka Connect to Apache Kafka Connectin...
  • Apache Spark

    Running the Apache Beam samples With Apache Spark Get Spark Start your local Spark single node cluster Run sample pipeline with Spark Submit Running the Apache Beam samples W...
  • Apache Spark

    Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark Spark Streaming receiver Prerequisites Maven Gradle Usage Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark Spark Streaming receiver The Spark Streaming rece...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka Component format Spec metadata fields Authentication None SASL Password Mutual TLS OAuth2 or OpenID Connect Communication using TLS Per-call metadata fields Pa...
  • Apache Kylin

    Apache Kylin Apache Kylin The recommended connector library for Apache Kylin is kylinpy . The expected connection string is formatted as follows: kylin : //<username>:<passwor...
  • Apache Hive

    Apache Hive Apache Hive The pyhive library is the recommended way to connect to Hive through SQLAlchemy. The expected connection string is formatted as follows: hive : //hive...
  • Apache Drill

    Apache Drill SQLAlchemy JDBC ODBC Apache Drill SQLAlchemy The recommended way to connect to Apache Drill is through SQLAlchemy. You can use the sqlalchemy-drill package. O...
  • Apache Derby

    Apache Derby Apache Derby Option Info Type Relational Driver Included Version Included Hop Dependencies None Documentation Documentation Link JDBC Url jd...
  • Apache Tika

    Apache Tika Description Options Metadata Injection Support Apache Tika Description The Apache Tika transform parses files in all sorts of formats and extracts the text conte...
  • Apache Derby

    Apache Derby Apache Derby Option Info Type Relational Driver Included Version Included Hop Dependencies None Documentation Documentation Link JDBC Url jd...