Using ng-metadata (Angular 1.x Using >= 2 Style) Using ng-metadata (Angular 1.x Using >= 2 Style) The ng-metadata approach is done with Angular 1.x dependencies and a few small...
Downgrading Components Downgrading Components Upgrading components sounds like it should happen before downgrading, butthe point of upgrading is to make an Angular 1.x componen...
Further Reading and Reference Angular TypeScript General Coding Practice and Functional Programming RxJS, Reactive Programming and Observables Redux and ngrx Keeping up to dat...
Upgrading Components Upgrading Components The only Angular 1.x components that can be upgraded and used in Angular 2 codeare those that strictly follow the component pattern ou...
Injecting Across Frameworks Injecting Across Frameworks Angular 1.x providers/services can be upgraded and injected into Angular 2. Simple Angular 1.x service: export class...
Bootstrapping ng-upgrade Upgrading/Downgrading Components Bootstrapping ng-upgrade Use manual Angular 1.x bootstrapping, and remove ng-app/ng-strict-direferences if they exis...
Understanding the File Structure Understanding the File Structure To get started let's create a bare-bones Angular application with a single component. To do this we need the f...