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  • OLAP

    OLAP OLAP Patroni OLAP模板,针对高并行,长查询,高吞吐实例优化 Patroni OLAP模板主要针对吞吐量与计算并行度进行优化 此模板针对的机型是Dell R740 64核/400GB内存,使用PCI-E SSD的节点。您可以根据自己的实际机型进行调整。 #!/usr/bin/env patroni #=========...
  • Package Development

    Package Development Introduction A Note On Facades Package Discovery Opting Out Of Package Discovery Service Providers Resources Configuration Default Package Configuration ...
  • Differences between Vaadin platform and Vaadin 8 Applications

    Differences Between Vaadin platform and V8 Applications The UI Class is Different and it is Optional No @PreserveOnRefresh The Servlet Definition is Optional Single Step Bootstr...
  • 5. 组织测试

    842 2018-12-14 《PHPUnit v4.8 手册》
    第 5 章 组织测试 用文件系统来编排测试套件 注意 注意 用 XML 配置来编排测试套件 第 5 章 组织测试 PHPUnit 的目标之一是测试应当可组合:我们希望能将任意数量的测试以任意组合方式运行,例如,整个项目的所有测试,或者项目中的某个组件内的所有类的测试,又或者仅仅某单个类的测试。 PHPUnit 支持好几种不同的方式来组织测...
  • 5. 组织测试

    812 2018-12-16 《PHPUnit 7.0 手册》
    5. 组织测试 用文件系统来编排测试套件 用 XML 配置来编排测试套件 5. 组织测试 PHPUnit 的目标之一是测试应当可组合:我们希望能将任意数量的测试以任意组合方式运行,例如,整个项目的所有测试,或者项目中的某个组件内的所有类的测试,又或者仅仅某单个类的测试。 PHPUnit 支持好几种不同的方式来组织测试以及将它们编排组合成测试套件...
  • Svelte

    single-spa-svelte Version: 5.x single-spa-svelte single-spa-svelte is a helper library that helps implement single-spa registered application lifecycle functions (bootstrap, ...
  • Utilities for layout

    Utilities for layout Changing display Flexbox options Margin and padding Toggle visibility Utilities for layout For faster mobile-friendly and responsive development, Boots...
  • Using in External Applications

    Using in External Applications Integrating with CakePHP Defining data connections Using in External Applications Because li3 is so flexible, you can bootstrap the core framew...
  • Team

    Bootstrap is maintained by the founding team and a small group of invaluable core contributors, with the massive support and involvement of our community. Mark Otto @mdo Ja...
  • Team

    Bootstrap is maintained by the founding team and a small group of invaluable core contributors, with the massive support and involvement of our community. Mark Otto @mdo Ja...