书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.042 秒,为您找到 1380 个相关结果.
  • 如何安装 Django

    如何安装 Django 安装 Python 安装 Apache 和 mod_wsgi 运行你的数据库 安装 Django 源码 通过 pip 安装正式发布版本 安装特定发行版 安装开发版本 如何安装 Django 本文档将帮助您使用 Django。 安装 Python Django 是一个 Python Web 框架。参见...
  • 如何安装Django

    如何安装Django 安装Python 安装Apache和 mod_wsgi 运行你的数据库 安装Django代码 Installing an official release with pip Installing a distribution-specific package Installing the development version...
  • Deploying on Google App Engine

    Deploying on Google App Engine Configuration Running and deployment Linux Mac, Windows Configuring the handler Avoid the filesystem Memcache Datastore issues Lack of JOINs ...
  • 系统检查框架

    系统检查框架 编写你自己的检查 消息 注册和标记检查 字段、模型和管理器检查 系统检查框架 New in Django 1.7. 系统检查框架是为了验证Django项目的一系列静态检查。它可以检测到普遍的问题,并且提供如何修复的提示。这个框架可以被扩展,所以你可以轻易地添加你自己的检查。 检查可以由check 命令显式触发。检查会在大多...
  • puppet-openstacklib

    puppet-openstacklib 核心代码讲解 openstacklib::db::mysql openstacklib::service::validation openstacklib::policy::base Puppet::Provider::Openstack::Auth openstack_config os_service_d...
  • Django 3.1 release notes

    Django 3.1 release notes Python compatibility What’s new in Django 3.1 Asynchronous views and middleware support JSONField for all supported database backends DEFAULT_HASHING_AL...
  • Django 3.1 release notes

    Django 3.1 release notes Python compatibility What’s new in Django 3.1 Asynchronous views and middleware support JSONField for all supported database backends DEFAULT_HASHING_AL...
  • Django 3.1 release notes

    Django 3.1 release notes Python compatibility What’s new in Django 3.1 Asynchronous views and middleware support JSONField for all supported database backends DEFAULT_HASHING_AL...
  • Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps

    Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps Reusability matters Your project and your reusable app Installing some prerequisites Packaging your app Using your own package Pu...
  • Snippets

    Snippets X-Sendfile emulation Force HTTPS Python Auto-reloading (DEVELOPMENT ONLY!) Full-Stack CGI setup Multiple flask apps in different mountpoints rbenv on OSX (should work...